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Telehealth information for providers

New telehealth consultation codes available

Southern Cross would like to advise that if you would like to claim for telehealth consultations, we will need to add new telehealth codes to your Affiliated Provider (AP) agreement. If you would like to add telehealth consultation codes, please contact your Partnership Manager.

Guidance for phone or video consultations

Please find below guidance on how claims can be made under your Affiliated Provider agreement for phone or video consultations (where clinically appropriate) for Southern Cross members:

  • Southern Cross is allowing an exception to your Affiliated Provider agreement (and the member’s health insurance policy) by allowing you to claim for specialist consultations (initial and follow-up), conducted with members where clinically appropriate, by video or phone. All other terms and conditions of your Affiliated Provider agreement still need to be met. The terms of the member’s policy document will continue to apply.
  • It’s important that you only undertake phone or video consultations when clinically appropriate to do so. Please follow any guidance from your college or association and the National Telehealth Leadership Group on effective phone or video specialist consultations, including the need to meet privacy and security obligations in respect to the collection of personal health information.
  • To clarify, there will be no other changes to Affiliated Provider agreements or pricing.
  • Please note - all out-patient follow-up consultations included in the surgical price for the six-week post-operative consultation can be done by phone or video if appropriate (eg where no physical examination is required). Please note these are already included in the price for the surgery and are not to be claimed for separately under your Affiliated Provider agreement.
    If members cancel specialist consultation appointments due to COVID-19, please follow your standard process for a cancellation/DNA (did not attend).