Our awards programme is all about celebrating visionary businesses, business leaders and employees who value their workforce and grow the health and wellbeing of their people.

There are two individual awards and four business awards.

To be eligible to enter and receive the awards your business must have either a fully subsidised or partially subsidised group scheme for all employees. Individual nominees and recipients must have Southern Cross Health Insurance through a work scheme. See full terms and conditions.

An individual who has made meaningful contribution to improving health and wellbeing within their workplace. They inspire and initiate positive effect, regardless of their position – this person fuels the crew’s momentum and enhances motivation.

Category criteria:

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must have made a tangible difference and impact to wellbeing within the workplace, particularly across the last 12-months.

Nominators should consider talking about the following areas in their nomination:

  • What challenges did the nominee identify and address in their workplace?
  • In what ways has the nominee made a positive difference in their workplace?
  • Have they shown consistency and dedication to sustaining positive change?
  • Who has directly benefited from the positive change initiated by the nominee?
  • What qualities does the nominee display that inspire and motivate others in the workplace?
  • Has the impact of the nominee’s initiatives been measured or evaluated in any way?

An exceptional people-leader who has improved their team’s health and wellbeing through positive leadership and by going above and beyond. They inspire, motivate, and drive meaningful change, cultivating healthy, high performing workplace culture that delivers results.

Category criteria:

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must be a people-leader and have made an outstanding contribution to the wellbeing of their team, particularly across the last 12-months.

Nominators should consider talking about the following areas in their nomination:

  • What challenges did the nominee identify and address in their workplace?
  • In what way has the nominee made a positive difference in the workplace as a people-leader?
  • Have they shown consistency and dedication to sustaining positive change?
  • Who has directly benefited from the positive change initiated by the nominee?
  • What qualities does the nominee display that inspire and motivate others in the workplace?
  • Has the impact of the nominee’s initiatives been measured or evaluated in any way?

A trailblazing business that has innovated and implemented transformative programmes or strategies to enhance the wellbeing of its people. They are carving new paths for others to follow, showcasing the benefits of investing in the health and happiness of their people and seen positive results.

Category criteria:

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must showcase an innovative wellbeing support programme that has made a tangible difference within the business across the last 12-months.

Nominators should consider talking about the following areas in their nomination:

  • Provide a comprehensive description of the nominee's innovative wellness programme or strategy.
  • What sets the nominee's wellness initiative apart from other wellness initiatives?
  • What specific problem, challenge, or opportunity did the nominee identify and address in their workplace?
  • Has the impact or difference brought about by the initiative been measured?
  • How did the nominee go about implementing their wellbeing programme or strategy?
  • How has the nominee's initiative influenced the overall wellbeing and culture of the workplace?

A small business of 100 people or less that demonstrates commitment to the health and wellbeing of its people – using it as a core business strategy and thriving because of it. Embracing a people-first approach, they create a healthier workplace and drive tangible positive change in the lives of their people.

Category criteria:

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must demonstrate their strategy and how it embraces people and wellbeing to achieve positive change, particularly across the last 12-months.

Nominators should consider talking about the following areas in their nomination:

  • What specific initiatives, policies, or practices do they have in place to support employee wellness?
  • What factors or events have influenced their decision to place emphasis on employee wellness?
  • Have they shown consistency and dedication to sustaining positive change?
  • How has the nominee's focus on employee wellbeing positively influenced business outcomes or workplace culture?
  • How has the nominee demonstrated a commitment to caring for the health and wellbeing of their employees?

A medium business of 101-500 people that demonstrates commitment to the health and wellbeing of its people – using it as a core business strategy and thriving because of it. Embracing a people-first approach, they create healthier workplaces and drive tangible positive change in the lives of their people.

Category criteria:

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must demonstrate their strategy and how it embraces people and wellbeing to achieve positive change, particularly across the last 12-months.

Nominators should consider talking about the following areas in their nomination:

  • What specific initiatives, policies, or practices do they have in place to support employee wellness?
  • What factors or events have influenced their decision to place emphasis on employee wellness?
  • Have they shown consistency and dedication to sustaining positive change?
  • How has the nominee's focus on employee wellbeing positively influenced business outcomes or workplace culture?
  • How has the nominee demonstrated a commitment to caring for the health and wellbeing of their employees?

A large business of more than 500 people that demonstrates commitment to the health and wellbeing of its people – using it as a core business strategy and thriving because of it. Embracing a people-first approach, they create healthier workplaces and drive tangible positive change in the lives of their people.

Category criteria:

To be eligible for this award, the nominee must demonstrate their strategy and how it embraces people and wellbeing to achieve positive change, particularly across the last 12-months.

Nominators should consider talking about the following areas in their nomination:

  • What specific initiatives, policies, or practices do they have in place to support employee wellness?
  • What factors or events have influenced their decision to place emphasis on employee wellness?
  • Have they shown consistency and dedication to sustaining positive change?
  • How has the nominee's focus on employee wellbeing positively influenced business outcomes or workplace culture?
  • How has the nominee demonstrated a commitment to caring for the health and wellbeing of their employees?