Summary of changes to your HealthEssentials plan
This is a summary of the changes to your HealthEssentials plan which come into effect on 1 April 2023.
These updates apply to existing HealthEssentials policies and new policies from 1 April 2023. This means that any eligible healthcare service that occurs on or after 1 April 2023 will be covered in accordance with the changes to the policy that came into effect on that date.
This summary is a guide only. For full policy terms and conditions, refer to the HealthEssentials policy document for your plan dated 1 April 2023. References to "cover" are subject to any applicable benefit limits, co-pay or stand down periods that may apply under your policy and any terms included in your membership certificate.
The HealthEssentials policy document, effective 1 April 2023, can be found here.
You can also read the frequently asked questions about the changes here.
New eligible healthcare services, practitioners covered
New cover added to your GP consultation and renamed to primary care
The new primary care benefit has an increased maximum annual limit of $250 per claims year.
Within this primary care benefit we now cover:
- general practitioner consultations
- nurse consultations
- prescriptions for Pharmac-approved medicines
- an annual health check performed by a GP or Nurse.
New cover added under a new ear care benefit
The new ear care benefit has a maximum annual limit of $300 per claims year.
Within this ear care benefit we now cover:
- audiologist consultations
- hearing tests. -
New cover added under your self care benefit
We have added cover to see a rongoā Māori practitioner under your self care benefit.
Enhanced existing cover and clearer policy wording
Cover for Dental consultations and treatment renamed to dental care
We have removed the exclusion for the extraction of wisdom teeth from your dental care benefit.
Cover for Optometrist consultations and prescription glasses/contact lenses renamed to eye care
No other changes to this benefit.
Adult dependant wording
Wording regarding premiums for adult dependants has been deleted to accurately reflect HealthEssentials pricing.
General policy exclusions
General policy exclusions have been added to the new cover. General policy exclusions which are no longer relevant have been removed.