Tap into the optimism that the warmer weather brings, and give you and your team a fresh perspective this year.
Any business leader worth their salt knows that a happy and motivated team is likely to be a more productive team. When someone is contented in their role and feels valued and respected, it follows that their job satisfaction and energy levels increase too.
That said, the dreaded ‘burnout’ can affect us all at some stage. And after the societal chaos of the last few years it would be perfectly understandable if your people’s energy levels had been showing signs of waning recently.
Never fear! There are plenty of things you can do as a team leader or manager to get your team pumped and their juices flowing again, especially now that the weather has (hopefully) started to brighten up our working days.
Infectious enthusiasm
As well as being essential for our general health and Vitamin D levels, greater exposure to sunlight is believed to increase the brain’s release of serotonin, a hormone associated with boosting our mood and helping us feel more calm and focused.1
The warmer months, then, would seem the ideal time to rally the troops and reignite that positivity and enthusiasm in your team. And it all starts at the top – with you.
So if you’d like to put a spring back into people’s step, here are a few of our top tips for getting everyone motivated, energised and enthused for achieving your business goals – whatever they may be:
1) Get to know your team better
You know who they are, but how well do you really know them? Every team is a collective of individuals, each with their own strengths and weaknesses. They may also have very different views of your workplace and how it functions. So without being intrusive, try to ensure you know what matters to each and every one of them, at work and in their private life. It’s not always easy, as being the boss can sometimes create an unseen barrier between you and your staff. But if you go out of your way to continually show empathy, interest and understanding, it can make your people feel more valued – and thus happier and more productive.
2) Encourage creativity
There are many different ways in which your team can lose focus, and as a leader sometimes it’s impossible to know every reason behind things not going exactly to plan. A good way to avoid such scenarios is to encourage your team to develop new ways to improve any processes and initiatives you have in place. Encourage them to be creative and come up with solutions themselves, and they will feel more invested in the outcome. It can also help them to bond and work better together as a team.
3) Welcome feedback
Being a manager isn’t just about telling your people what to do. The most successful ones make it a two-way street, and learn from their employees. Actively asking for their feedback can provide invaluable insights into how your business works, and again help to make individuals feel more recognised within your organisation. Wherever possible, remember to take action upon receiving that feedback too, as a refusal to consider change may just lose their trust.
4) Celebrate success – and recognise failure
Rewarding and incentivising milestones can play a big part in creating a successful culture within your business. Whether it’s drinks to celebrate a project win, a lunch to welcome a new employee, or just providing a cake for someone’s birthday, every positive interaction can help to boost morale. It’s important too to acknowledge and analyse as a team when things don’t go to plan, without playing the blame game. Instead use failures as learning experiences, and collective lessons in how to get it right next time.
5) Keep all eyes on the prize
Even the most interesting projects and initiatives can stall occasionally, resulting in your team feeling a little flat. When this happens, try to lift spirits and keep energy levels up by reminding everyone about the bigger picture. Little wins may keep everyone ticking along, but the end goal can often be enough to give people the boost to keep going and overcome those minor hurdles en route.
6) Lead by example
As a leader, one of the most important things you can do is show your employees the way, even if it means getting your hands dirty occasionally. Being a positive role model – displaying the work ethic and conduct you desire from your people – will help everyone know what is expected of them, and put them at ease about their role and value as part of the team.
7) Say thank you
Last but by no means least, be sure to show your gratitude at what your people do for you every day. A simple ‘thank you’ can do wonders, especially during those more stressful periods. Everyone wants to feel that they are making a difference - and of course, that you value and appreciate their efforts.
These are just some approaches for best practice in keeping your team motivated. Even if you’re already doing them, it can always be handy to have a gentle reminder as to why. And help to ensure your business keeps moving - and thriving - all year round.
1 https://www.healthline.com/health/depression/benefits-sunlight
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